Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Monday,  July 7, 2014

Up before dawn in Sydney, we flew in to Brisbane ... 

...  to meet the other members of the WTYSL film team. 

Meeting at the airport in  Brisbane, Australia
Jonathan had just flown in from the USA,  ......

...  and Sebastian had flown in from Sweden.

We consolidated our baggage as best we could and then ....

... after a couple of hours' lay-over ....


  ..... we were all air-bound again, flying over the Coral Sea .....

Attols in the Coral Sea

 .... and into Port Moresby.

At Jackson Airport,  we were welcomed by Alicia’s and Sebastian’s friend, Paul, who they had met on their earlier trip to PNG.

Alicia and Paul

As we had several hours before we would be able to get into our accommodations for the night,  Paul suggested we have some food at the airport restaurant.  And then someone suggested a game:

"What are your answers to these three questions?" Each person was to write them on the back of one of the South Pacific beer coasters that were lying on the tables. Then we would read the answers aloud and discuss them.


1 comment:

  1. Love these questions. Wondering how these questions shaped your team's work over the course of the coming weeks. Also, how did Q#1 effected their ability to interpret Q#2 as they observed and interacted in PNG.
