Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A liminal space

July 7, 2014

The "three questions" game had come to an end and it was finally time to leave Jackson Airport and take taxis to our accommodations for the night.  I was looking forward to my first sight of Port Moresby unmediated by airplane windows.

The sight was not what I had expected:

Vehicular traffic for arrivals and departures was strictly controlled.

Billboards monopolized the view.

Messages from global and local companies tried to direct our minds to the purchase of tinned tuna and instant coffee - inviting us to "Kickstart your Day!"

Educational opportunities were suggested.  There was no view of the surrounding landscape.

Having pushed our baggage trolleys outside, we discovered that taxis were not allowed at this level.

However, there was a well-designed ramp leading upward.

The parking lot came into view.  Paul had reserved two taxis for us. Their drivers were from the Highlands, and, since the Highlands was our destination, they were particularly protective of us.

The drive took us by construction for a new highway to the airport, ...

...... past yet another billboard advertising a company we later relied on, ....

......  past the South Pacific Brewery, ...

..... and finally to our "digs."  

I was exhausted and lay down for a nap.  Everyone else launched into supper preparation.  Some of them went to a nearby store and bought local greens and fruit.

  When I awoke, it was 9 pm and a wonderful feast had been prepared.

But was I in PNG yet?


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