Monday, July 6, 2020

What Took You So Long?


July 6, 2014

Shiva had met Alicia in London several months before coming to Australia. Impressed by the filming philosophy and adventurous spirit of Alicia's international team  -  What Took You So Long? -  and their ability to travel in remote places, Shiva invited Alicia to join us on our trip to Papua New Guinea.  Alicia was delighted. She and fellow WTYSL member, Sebastian, had visited PNG several years earlier and they jumped at the opportunity for a revisit.  Shiva could share with them some of the  "Searching for Grandfathers" crowd-funds, and Alicia and Seb could share previous contacts in PNG with us.
On July 5, Alicia arrived from the USA and Philippa arrived from England.  They got right to work setting up their equipment.


Alicia and Shiva checked out the solar chargers Alvilda had brought from Belgium.

Then they showed us their interviewing technique.  My mind went back to my previous trips to New Guinea when we had lugged 16 mm. film cameras with heavy rechargeable batteries that had to be carried four days back and forth over the mountain trails to the nearest gasoline-run electric generator to be recharged.


The WTYSL team were blessed with light weight digital equipment and solar chargers.  I confessed to a tinge of envy.


Once we were finished with an initial practice interview,  we turned our minds to last minute packing, checking off each item against our lists.



And then we were ready.



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