Monday, July 6, 2020

Shopping in Sydney


July 6, 2014

Gathering the right gear for our trip to the highlands of PNG required planning and some essential purchases. Luckily, it was the season for winter sales.  So we went to the city center......


...... where the best sporting goods stores were located.



I had bought the latest walking shoes available in Rome before I left Italy.  Shiva still needed a pair.  I was fascinated by the range of options and the high-tech method for choosing the "best fit"  - a method which far surpassed the X-ray machines in the shoe stores of my youth into which I could look downward at my feet and actually see the bones! 


The World Cup was being played somewhere in the world ...


..... and buskers were entertaining the crowd in front of the Queen Victoria Building.


My eye was caught by a beautifully sculpted figure above the buskers. Larger than life, metal capturing Queen Victoria's flowing gown and regal gesture, the figure spoke of the weight of history amongst the new skyscrapers and the lively street scene. 

Back in 1968, when New Guinea was a Territory of Australia, we had filmed the Christmas service of the Anglican Mission Church in Gai, in the heart of the Simbai Valley. During the service, the congregation had prayed for the well-being of Queen Elizabeth. 

Would Queen Elizabeth be as present once we would arrive in Papua New Guinea?



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