Thursday, May 29, 2014

The last seven days of fund-raising

For the past month I've been contacting all my friends and colleagues with the news of the upcoming  "Across Generations" kickstarter project that Shiva has initiated in Australia. 

It has been wonderful to touch in with people whose lives have touched mine over the whole span of my life till now, to learn what they are up to and to feel their encouragement for this project.  

I've spent a great deal of time on my computer, and have looked over equipment that I had with me in Papua New Guinea in 1964.

My Pentax camera, my field notebooks, and the bilum bag I made out of good nylon fishing line we had brought into the Bismarck Mountains from a trade store down on the coast in Madang.  Some of the women of Gunts taught me this wonderful skill.  I hope I'll have time to relearn and practice it again.  I'll take a digital lightweight camera this time,  and new notebooks  -  but for sure paper notebooks ....  and the bilum.




1 comment:

  1. Would love to know how to make a bilum bag! It looks like the knotting method might be similar to crochet or macrame?
