Monday, September 16, 2013

Fifty Years Ago Today - Walking through Tenegump

Monday, September 16, 1963

Walking through the hamlet of Tenegump, we came upon Kwingn, six month's pregnant, and her daughter, Kanuk, on the path outside their yard, cleaning their fine pig. Kai, the neighbor girl, had come over to visit, bringing her little nephew, Piag.

After a while, Kai took Piag back to his mother, who was sitting at the edge of the bank above the path.   Meiko, the oldest man in the Fungai clan, was enjoying the sociabilities from the edge of the bank.  


Kai and Piag's mother, Rango, settled down to make twine from bark fiber and possum fur, destined for a new fringed skirt.

Pretty soon,  Piag fell asleep as Rango kept twisting twine.

Below in the path, Kwiank entertained the bigger kids  -  Kanuk and Gunia  -  with a lizard he had just shot with his tiny, handmade bow and arrows.


1 comment:

  1. Was the fine pig resting while enjoying a pedicure? Love how Piag just sprawls backwards over his mother's leg, totally relaxed, and sleeps.
