Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dry season

The agricultural land here is drying out.  This winter's rains and snow were not enough to help raise the water table that is increasingly being lowered by the deep wells used to pump irrigation water up to the fields. Green beans have withered. The tomato crop will be minimal. The local families who have traditionally bottled great quantities of tomatoes to make "sugo" during the winter are already planning to rely on the cans available in the supermarkets.

The wheat, an early crop, was successfully harvested before the long hot days began in earnest.

The apricot trees have reveled in this year's weather. Never before have I seen them so laden with fruit and the fruit so sweet and juicy.


Ah, but it is hard to pick apricots by hand!  Nowadays most people rely on store-bought fruit. If only it were the tradition to eat "apricot sugo" in the winter months.  Mmm.  That would be some pasta!


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