Thursday, September 19, 2013

Fifty Years Ago Today - In Kondibia's yard

Thursday, September 19, 1963

A couple of days later, we walked over to Tenegump again, this time actually going into Kondibia's yard.  Both Kondibia and his wife were happy to see us, though we had always hesitated to enter their yard as their daughter, Kringa, was one of the few kids who continued to be very shy of us.  This time, she screwed up her courage, and encouraged by her father, slowly crawled toward Marek.

At'ema had stuck two digging sticks into the ground and was beginning to tie the lengths of cut twine, prepared by the women in previous days, onto a central piece of twine. This was the beginning of a new fringed skirt - pulpul

At'ema's brother, Korip, was busy binding together five sharp wooden points to make an arrow suitable for hunting birds.



  1. Wow! Stunning pictures of my grandfather in Papua New Guinea. I'm really proud to be able to see these fantastic people and landscapes with my grandparents from my computer in italy!

  2. Initially surprising that Kringa was shy-- many of the other kids so ready to engage, but I suppose shyness occurs in a certain portion of any population. Introvert vs Extrovert, etc.?
